Tuesday 5 August 2014


The Retrograde a.k.a. the Apparent Backwards Motion of a Planet from the perspective of the Earth in Astrology has been written about many times before and chiefly for its different meanings and effects according to each planet which goes through the cycle which consists of becoming stationary / motionless, then retrograde / backwards for a while and then back to stationary / motionless and again finally becoming direct / forward again.
I myself had written an earlier piece on Mercury Retrograde in which I very much point out that when any Planet, and I do mean When Any Planet Goes Retrograde, that the fact that such a planet's basic Astrological Meanings have to consider the temporary company of other variables such as the Modification, the Change of other Meanings such as Reversals, Re-doings, Re-Considerations and really and truly A Series of quite serious Attempts to Change the general Pool/Collection of Values and of Opinions / Standings / Positions and in general also strong Attempts to Change in the Ways of Conduct of people and things. 

A Retrograde Planet brings the unavoidable Presence of Non-Mainstream Energies, Non-Mainstream Influences, Non-Mainstream Cultures into the scene of the time, situation, person and/or thing.

The "Non-Mainstream-Ness" which I refer to, it ranges from the Unpopular to the Untried, the Occult, the Unknown and finally to the Not-known-if-safe & approved by one's Society in general.

I've come to understand that having a Natal Retrograde Planet points to "Non-Mainstream" influences where that astrological planet rules in the chart, the astrological house that it occupies in the astrological chart... Also to the astrological aspects / angles which that planet does to other planets, stars, asteroids and in general, to any other points in the chart.  

The Non-Mainstream / Non-Popular / Non-Traditional / Non-Orthodox Influence of "Being Retrograde" can be entirely compared to the inserting the astrological planet Uranus into the equation of Meaning or the Quantum factor of Quantum Academia.

Retrograde Planets at Birth carry the NEWNESS of the most ANCIENT and QUANTUM Factors of all Changes & Discoveries...
That's it is because it always has in itself the Eternal Dissolving of Boundaries and Solvency of the planet Neptune, it also has the Sharpest Edges of the Surprise of the Evolution of the Self-Sufficient Independence and Wise Freedom of the planet Uranus... And lastly it has the Infinitely Delicious Quite-At-Home-In-Depth and Mightily Passionate eternal Penetration of the planet Pluto. 

Now, you add such Variables to any other astrological planet and/or chart angles, and you have yourself a new collection of Directional Meaning as to why and wherefore such was, is and / or, will be this way or that way, etc.

To make a long story short - Retrograde also means Non-Mainstream Influence and Its Impact.
Whether it would be a Natal Chart or not, it would be wise to consider the length of possibilities offered by a retrograde planet in any astrological chart of any kind.

I was born with a Mercury Retrograde and I can vouch for the Transgender of the Zodiac and its temporary status of Being Retrograde and how such enabled me to sense the  modified versions of my personal meanings and their influence throughout the years.

We all experience astrological Retrograde Planets in our lives, in ourselves whether by birth or not. With the exceptions of the Sun and of the Moon, all the personal astrological planets experience cycles of being retrograde and so do we all during the course of our lives.

It is interesting to observe that "being retrograde" is also "being non-mainstream" and to find such a trait in situations, people and things.

Yes! If you have one or more Retrograde Planets in your Natal Chart, they will reveal where you will display your excellence on Being Non-Mainstream.
If you have only one retrograde Planet natally, and such has been made important by virtues of degree, house, sign, aspects/angles and / or other points/formulas/factors...Then this planet will do the same and reveal your areas of excellence on Being Non-Mainstream.


Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon 


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