Tuesday 7 February 2012



I was born with Neptune conjunct the Sun conjunct Khambalia in the 8th House in Scorpio!

While wondering whether or not to write an article about Neptune in Pisces I was accosted by an expected daydream which went something like this…

As poised at the edge of divide between Birth/Life and Death/Rebirth I was prompted to listen to my thoughts…

Out of nowhere I heard the fable unfolding within me.
Imagine that there are many Worlds/Realms/Dimensions/Universes and equally many Lifetimes/Time-zones…

Imagine that there are infinite species and infinite Life however They all dance the Music of Eternal Evolution...

The Change that has no end!

Souls – Sparks of Fire/Light from the “Source of All” Creatress of Everything that exists, we do come…

We enter different worlds to experience our own existence at different levels… As
we partake in the existence of all by allowing our own selves to flow along with

the call of the Source of All – Evolution.

It is the dance of Changes.

Amidst so many journeys in some many worlds at some point we all begin

to feel like “Being just like the Movies’ Superman and/or Superwoman” or yet

being just like Sam and the other Witches of the Bewitched TV Show… Or being

just like Jeannie from the “I Dream Of Jeannie” TV Show…

Well, there is actually a realm/world/dimension in which everybody is like


Everybody is like Samantha from “Bewitched”, everybody is like Jeannie
from “ I Dream Of Jeannie”…

Nobody dies once they are born there, nobody gets too old, nobody gets sick, nobody gets destroyed and when any destruction of anybody or anything does occur, it is undone within seconds as if rewinding a film – Not a scratch! Nobody gets killed…

Nobody loses, nobody goes hungry, nobody needs to work, everyone has everything that they wish for and instantly.
Everybody everywhere is healthy and wealthy as everything and

anything just depend upon a wish and all positive wishes instantly come true.

Some of the TV shows like Bewitched, I dream of Jeannie, Superman, etc
were inspired by souls who had been in this realm in other lifetimes…

The Catch in this Realm of Instant Gratification is that there is not
any Evolution flowing and “Change” has slowed Itself off to a near

stopping/ceasing motion status for the sake of teaching the lessons of this


Those within this Realm, once there will sooner or later whether
many years or some tiresome thousands of years down their path, they do realize

that they are bored and tired of everything and anything that this realm can

offer Them.

They have lived and been everything and anything and it

becomes a repetitive litany of reruns of old shows and the outcome is always the

same as expected - everybody gets their wishes come true and have a good time.

But good times cease to be good times when they become predictable and
boring repetitions devoid of any Newness, devoid of any adventure, without any

excitement, with no value, with no Life left in in it to be savoured.

The value of the 1st time in anything and everything begins to grow until first time is non-existent as there are not any first times left to speak


We all know that we need Variations by the nature of our eternal fire and light.

Because “We All & Everything that exist” are made

out of Changes, we all exist because we are “Eternal Changes” our own selves,

the core of our souls.

When we become wilfully trapped into the

boundaries of the illusion of the Realm’s permanent and instant

self-gratification without any Transformation, without any Change, without any

Evolution, Without Death ever…

We sooner or later find our own selves

wishing for sacred Blessings of Death and Rebirth, the friendly Changes which

make each and every Life possible and worth living for/in/with…

The sacred blessing of partaking of the Movement of Eternity, The Highest Bliss of
All – The All-Fulfilling Dance of Eternal Evolution which springs from the core of the Eternal Mother Goddess Creatress of All, of All Worlds, of All Existence…

That was my “Neptune in Pisces” prompted inspiration.

Is it practical?

Well, we come to this world – amidst rather unpleasant
circumstances surrounded by blood, water, faeces/excrement, urine, pain, cutting, hurting,

difficult emotions…

Then at some point we all must also leave the flesh

and to be honest with you all…

It is almost always as unpleasant as entering

the flesh…

The temporary boundaries of the Elements to allow us to experience structure come at a price - The fee is the sacrifice of Having to Learning the Meaning of Pain, of Hurting, of thousand-fold wild Waters like “Emotions” as Winning and Loss, Beginning and Ending, Having and having not, Needing/Wanting/Missing, Filled and Empty, Being Wise and being Fooled, Being Ignored, Being famous, Being Mighty and being Destroyed, Being Loved and being Hated…Etc…

Neptune reminds us that it is all a show…

A temporary show and nothing is for keeps…

(Thanks Goddess for that!)

As all of the boundaries are only learning tools that we all must part with once
lessons have been learned and tools have rendered their role and services

Neptune in its own Home…
To me it signifies a time which all matters pertaining to the Sign of Pisces, also all matters belonging to the 12th House of the Zodiac will have the delight of the company of the owner/master of the house staying home and of course a good clean-up is always part of the that along with putting things in order, updating matters left in delay since the owner has last been at home 164 years ago.

Worldwide we all will feel and find the pleasant and the not-so-pleasant effects of Neptune’s home coming and as Neptune putting His House in order and of course after his own “Meaning”.

Those who only Suffer may be Released.

Those Who only Laugh may get to Use the Wonders of Crying a bit too.

Reversals are not uncommon when Neptune is Home…
“Impossible Turns Possible” – Not uncommon at all when Neptune is Home!

Working class, the suffered majority under imposed sacrifices for the sake of the good and well-being of the richest and of the most powerful…

It is easy to speculate for instance that the long-lived farce, the put-on, abuse of power of/from the huge corporations (the minority elite of the world) whom through an act of lobbying/buying out the right people in upper governments coupled with an act of deceitful, unethical, immoral practices on Taxing Legal Technicalities
have been making billions, trillions however paying nothing in Federal Tax because they hold an empty office in some part of the country and/or of the world where it is legally free of taxation for one reason or another…

No wonder the Government keeps on running out of money and now it is coming after the working class to pay more taxes because the rich won’t and they have this very well camouflaged before a world audience where the majority of the people lack the critical thinking that it takes for them to figure out how bad they are being hurt and fooled…

And where and whom is it coming from…

Neptune in Pisces surely promises a time when these bastard corporations will have to pay their share of taxes and perhaps these highly political so-called mainstream big-religions will also be made to pay their share of taxes.

I’ve no sympathy left for those who do the harm which hurts millions of people at once…

There is hope, heck there is certainty with Neptune in Pisces that things will really and truly change.

Neptune in Pisces in the form of his Low-End Meanings might as well also come to function like the sudden and merciless Equalizer for a whole lot of these Abusers of the Earth, of the seas, of the rivers and of their own kind – abusers of huge numbers of Human Beings and the quality of life on earth for us all…

Other astrologer may differ but I think Neptune in Pisces is Good News for the Poor, for the Working class.

Solvency coming to in the House of Suffering can be a great Release, Relief
and Liberation.

I know I am a dreamer but do remember that “Some dreams always come true”.


The key choice (for those who can read between the lines of definitions and their labels) is really either one elects “To Contain the All” or to let go to be contained by It!

To each their own choices and all Wisdom thereof!
Below is a list of meanings pertaining to the astrological planet Neptune, to the Sign of Pisces and the natural 12th House of the Zodiac…

Such will aid one’s own understanding of the
Meaningful Variables of Values which are operating in full blast when it comes
to Neptune and its journey through his own Home Sign of Pisces.

Astrologically - Tropical/Geocentric speaking:

Neptune the Modern Astrological “Natural Ruler” of the Sign of Pisces and Its natural 12th Astrological House of the Zodiac, is back home!

Neptune has entered Pisces – 9:36pm EDT on the 4th of April 2011 and will remain in Pisces until – 11:11pm EDT on the 4th August 2011

It will Re-Enter Pisces again and this time to stay a long time and travel throughout the whole Sign of Pisces – 6:53 pm EST on the 3rd February 2012…

And It will Remain in Pisces until – 11:44am on the 30th January 2025 at which time it will enter the Sign of Aries.
Neptune’s Meanings:

From Religious/Spiritual Ecstasy To Madness…

From Solvency of Problems, Relief, Flow of one’s life,
Liberation, Fluidity, Change, Dissipation of Hindrances and Dissolving of all
forms of Obstacles to Undoing of any Structures/Boundaries whether they be
people or things...

From Dreams, Vision, Enlightenment, Illumination,
Spirituality, Ideals, Psychic, Sacred, Spiritually-Gifted to Illusion,
Deception, Lies, A Put-on, Make-As-If, Pretending, Camouflage, Distraction,
Biases, Prejudices, Bigotry, Fear from losing one’s boundaries…

From Psychism, Compassion, Fantasy, Being Psychic, The Ideal, Idealism, Divination, Scrying, Prediction of the Future, Shape-shifting, Transformation, Water, The Seas, Shaker of the Earth to Obligation, Martyr, Victim and Saviour dynamics & role-playing…

From Sexual preferences as Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual/Queer and also Third Gender as Trans, Transsexual, Transgender whether MTF or FTM and Androgynous - Hermaphroditic/Inter-sexed, also the Search For Meaning, the Search For the Ultimate Union, Transcendence, The Search for Infinite Love & Pleasure, Intuition…

To Sensitivity, Denial, Quitting, Giving-up, Disillusion, Dissolution, Death, Ending, Forfeiture, Weakness, Frailty, BDSM, Sacrifice, Pain, Humiliation, Abuse, Torture, Escapism…

From Show-Business, Healings Arts, The Occult, Ancient Arts & Sciences, Ancient
Academia, Secrecy, The Movies, Behind-The-Scenes, Suspense, the Good Life of the Films and those who make it, Hollywood, Mystery, Artists, Actresses, Actors,
Musicians, Astrologers, Witches, The Stage, Premonition, the Roles, The Theatre,
Invisibility, Mysticism, Mystic, Mystical, Imagination, Uncertainty, Metaphysics, Magick, Witchcraft, Spells, Mystification, Vagueness, The Unconscious, Healing, Glamour, The Inspired Arts, Sacred/Artistic Inspiration…

To Dependency, Unfamiliarity, Slavery, Darkness, Ignorance, Betrayal, Obscure,
Falsehood, Seeming, Liquids, Gases, Poison, Poisoning, Drowning, Drugs, Doped,
Overdose, Hooked on Mind-Altering Substance, Vices…

Neptune’s placement in an astrological chart is where “We” are called to freely and willingly Give with Love for peace and harmony in us and around us…

Neptune’s placement in an astrological is where We might sacrifice our self-interest for the good of others whom are meaningful to us.

Neptune rules Pisces:
The Astrological Sign of Pisces’ Meanings:

Love, Solvency, Dreams, Poetry, Dependency, Welfare/The Dole, Holiness, Holy, Mystic, Sacred, Sacrifice, Charity, Rite, Creativity, Empathy, Captivity, Bondage, Misinformation, Exile, Double-Bodied, The Feet, Liver, Lymphatic System, Moist, fruitful, Suffering, Confusion, Easily Influenced, Passive, the Sexual Preference Modality of being Bottom/Passive/Feminine, Anal Intercourse, GLBT people, GLBT interests & issues, Unity, Secrets, Secret Wisdom, Spirit, Soul, Psychic, Gifted, Hidden, The Occult, To complete, To get to the Outcome, Limitations, Unexpected,
Shape-shifting, Changed, Gay, Trans, Priestess, High-Priestess, Priest,
Religious, Spiritual, Magical, Undoing, Compassionate, Sacrificial, Charity,
Impractical, Escapist, Illusory, Inspirational, Hooked/High on Drugs, Drunk,
Poisoned, Dependent…

Neptune rules the 12th Astrological Zodiac House 12th Astrological House’s Meanings:

Ancient Ruler: Jupiter Modern Ruler: Neptune

It is the Exaltation/Climax of Venus as Neptune is the Highest Octave of Venus in Expression.


he Joy of Saturn – Wisdom/Satisfaction which has to be worked for/earned!

The Keywords:

Destiny, Past-Lives, Karma, Pre-natal Script/Choices, Magick, Solvency, Sadness,
Sorrow, Self-Undoing, The Past, Confinement & Also “Release/Freedom” from
Confinement, Mistakes, Secrets, Hidden Motivations…
Secrets, Imagination, Intuition, Psychic Awareness, Confinement, Hidden Resources, Hidden Motivations, Karma, Destiny, Union, Desire for Beauty & Love, Desire for the Ideal, Protective Retreats, Victim/Saviour Issues, Institutions such as Hospitals, Hospices, Prisons, Lessons, Bad Times, Ordeals, Sacrifice, illness, Sickness, Healing, Cure, Magick, Partner’s sickness, “The Outcome of Matters concerning Publication/Faraway People/Lands/Travel & Higher Education, Wisdom”, Miracles, Chemicals, Drugs, Misfortunes, That which it is hidden, Covert Status of Hidden Enemies, Spying, Big Pets, Intrusive Fact-Finding, Transformation, Healing, Spell, Witchcraft, Spiritual Teachers, Secret Friends and Enemies, Healers, Holistic Doctors…


There you have it!

Have a happy Neptune in Pisces!

Love & Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon


The Transits hold great Potentials for many themes, intentions and actual needs... But I always say, don't wait for any Transit in order to heal oneself or in order to being happy...
We must start/initiate those journeys as soon as we hear/feel it knocking at our personal doors...
A tightly kept secret is the powerful advantage of knowing the polarity of any moment of Crisis because its opposite is exactly what it is needed to counter-act it full-fledged and upfront on the spot... We surely cannot deny Nature nor our own Souls our own chosen Moments of Transformation which will assist in the evolution of our own selves and our rightful place in the scheme of all things above and below...
All the planets can be our Friends if we allow them to.
Locational Astrology can be helpful...I love the consideration of the Planetary lines crossing over one's town.

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